Saturday, May 9, 2009

Laminating 1st Float 1/2

After spending a couple of nights during the week cutting the fibreglass to shape and putting a bit of fairing filler along the keel join to smooth it out I am ready to glass the first float 1/2. Then I had to make a few phone calls to get some mates around to give me a hand to lay down the cloth, the promise of beer and food can be a great motivator!

You can see the fibreglass in the back ground just waiting for some eager volunteers!

As you can see plenty of helpers turned up which I am very thankful for. It meant that I was on resin mixing duty for the greater part of the whole exercise,hardly even got my hands dirty!

A bit of final quality Control before the peel ply goes on.

I tried "poor mans vacuum bagging" which I had seen being used by others and as I hadn't seen it before thought I would give it a go. Checked on the results the next day and I am not convinced as to the effectivness of using the plastic over top of the peel ply and the jury is out at this stage. I can see that it may be useful on flat areas but when there are some curves involved it may not be as effective?

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