The shaping of the second float has pretty muched finished now and I should be able to start glassing the outside skins this weekend. So between laminating the second float and faring the first one I should not run out of work any time soon.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Floats and Rudder
The shaping of the second float has pretty muched finished now and I should be able to start glassing the outside skins this weekend. So between laminating the second float and faring the first one I should not run out of work any time soon.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Floats taking shape
Managed to get the deck built and glued onto the first float with all the HD foam inserts in the right place.
Then the deck glued on
Work also continues on the second float with the bulkhead flanges, compression strut and chain plate in place. So now I will continue to fit the deck to the second float and shape them both before laminating the outside skins.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Two Floats! (nearly)
As for the 1st float after I finished the bulkhead flanges as in my previous post I went to work on shaping the keel. Forgot to take a photo of the finished shape unfortunatly but I was surprised how a small radius on the keel made the float look so much more like a hull of a yacht. I also put an extra layer of tape on the inside at the transom as I managed to sand right down to the laminate while shaping the keel.
Other small jobs done were the making of the two compression struts for the bow of each float and fitting the first one. Also glued together the foam block to make the bow for the port float.
Block of foam all glued together and joined to the hull waiting for the sander.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Bulkhead flanges
Just a little bit of tidy up required and that will be another one ticked off the list, only a few thousand more to go!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
4th float half and 1st float joined
However I finished the chain plates that I molded last post. Got the required carbon on and after a bit of an issue trying to find a small leak in the vacuum bag managed to get a reasonable vacuum of 25"Hg.
Out of the bag then cut in half to make the two chainplates
Work then carried on with the 1st joined float. I finished taping the bulkheads into the 3rd 1/2. The bow bulkhead proved to be a real test of patience. It was so much easier to do when there isn't another float 1/2 sitting on top! I managed in the end to be able to just reach the bottom of the bow bulkhead by holding the brush with my finger tips and used the theory of just get more resin in there and it seemed to turn out OK.
Then removed the joined float from the frames and taped the keel join. Thought it would be easier to tape the keel join with the hull sitting upright and working with gravity rather than against it. Also got the 4th float half ready to laminate but will do that next weekend.
The photo below shows the joined hull upside down with the 4th half in the frames in the fore ground. This will make it a little more civalised to do the Bulkhead deck flanges that are called for in the plans. With it at this height I can sit down with just my head inside the float.
Started to work on the mold to make the beam flanges which is proving to be a little difficult to hold the angled plate in position. In the photo above I am holding in the plate by screwing it to the deck flange plate but I may change my mind yet as I am a bit worried that I may get resin into the screw threads and it becoming a permenant part of the foat! I will see how I feel tomorrow when I start to glass it all up.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
1st Float joined
But before all that excitment I got the G10 fibreglass tube glued on to the foam to start making the chain plate. The photos below show the mold setupand the result. The tube ended upnot being exactly square but perfection is very hard to achieve so it will be good enough. I can;t seeing it make alot of diference in the end except that one of the mast stays will be 1 or 2 mm longer than the other one.
Then this weekend moved the 2nd half into position and joined it up. Sounds so simple but feels like a bit of a milestone has been reached even though there is still a long way to go! It must have been a big moment as even my wife came out and gave me a hand, which is quite good as she can actually get into the bow bulkhead. I'm still not entirely sure how I am going to tape up the bow yet!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Slow progress, 3rd float 1/2
The other thing slowing down the build is the cold weather at the moment. I seem to only be able to do anything of consequence on the weekends as it gets to cold to work with the resin at night after work, yep that bloody work thing gets in the way of yacht building! However last weekend I did manage to assemble a few mates around to give me a hand and laminate the 3rd float 1/2. It didn't turn out as good as the second half and there were a few spots that had to get a bit of attention and patches put in. Then this weekend I glued on the chain plate pad and the stringer which now just need the putty around the edges sanded and cleaned up before I put the glass on top of them. So I am hopefull that assuming the putty willgo off sometime in the next few days I will be able to glue two float halfs together and make it look like some real progress!
In the picture to the left you may notice that the colour of the bog has changed from the earlier float halves. I changed to a low density filler to glue the foam together after a comment Ian made that the glue powders are too hard and not to surprisingly he was right. Thats why I am not designing the yacht and I am sure its a common rookie mistake. I have made a bit of extra work for myself a bit later on when I come to faring the outside of the hull.
Chain Plate pad and bow stringer bogged in place. Just waiting for the bog to go off enough to allow it to be sanded and glassed over.
As the weather is so cold I have also started work on making some molds. This week I started the mold for the wing net support rails. The advangtage with such good plans is being able to do jobs well ahead of time when things slow down a little. I hope this will save me time in the long run.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
2nd float 1/2 out of frames
Saturday, June 6, 2009
2nd float 1/2 laminated
This time I didn't use the plastic over peel ply and opted to use just the peel ply. The result was really good this time with no air bubbles at all so I was really pleased with the result. Below is a close up of the sort of result I got which is looking simalar to the vacuum bagging so I think I have got a fairly good resin to cloth ratio here.
As I didn't have to do any repairs or patches this time I also managed to glue in the transom and center bulkheads so in all not to bad progress considering.
Friday, May 29, 2009
2nd float half
Sunday, May 24, 2009
1st float 1/2 finished!
The only unfortunate thing is I forgot to take many photos apart from the one below after I removed the hull.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Bulkheads, bulkheads and more bulkheads
Also got the bow stringer and chain plate pad glued to the hull ready to glass on once I have cleaned up the fairing filler around the edges.
Then at the end of the week I glued in the first bulkhead just to make it look like there had been some progress!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I was worried about how difficult it would be to achieve a good vacuum pressure. Although I did have some small leaks when I first turned the pump on, only got 15" Hg vacuum initally,it was easy enough to find the leaks and eventually got a vacuum of 28" Hg.
Vacuum setup. I put the extra layer of sealing tape around the edge mainly because I didn't know what I was doing and turned out to be completly unnesaccary.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Laminating 1st Float 1/2
A bit of final quality Control before the peel ply goes on.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
1st float 1/2 planked
I decide to glue the foam with epoxy glue rather than a polyurathene construction type of adhesive. I did a trial with some polyurathene glue but I had some concerns with the stength of the glue. After I had left it to set for a few days I could still pull apart the foam pieces I had glued together along the glue line. I also had some concerns if the glue was water proof or not. It said on the label that it was weather proof but I wasn't sure if that meant water proof.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Strong back
After spending some time studying the plans I decided that the easiest place to start was actually at the begininnng strangley enough. So with that in mind I decided to start on page 1 and get on with building the floats.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Decisions decisions
There have been alot of decisions made this month. Firstly which technique to use to build. Good old fashioned hand layup, vacuum bagging or resin infusion. There is alot of info on the net regarding Vacuum bagging and resin infusion.
When I started thinking about building a yacht a couple of years ago I was very interested in resin infusion. Although the end product will be very high quality with infusion I decided to go with hand layup. I will be considerably quicker to build and it may be a few kilo's heavier but as Ian Farrier recomends handlayup to build one of these yachts it can't be that bad. Hand layup is afterall the technique that has been used successfully for a long time and should be quicker and invlove less risks than infusion.
I have decided to build the 'R' version, I can't help it really I would rather sail fast than slow, and based on the theory that you can make a fast boat go slow but you can't make a slow boat go fast so I opted to go with taller R rig. Initally I thought I would build using the minimum fabric weights as specified in the plans but after a bit of reflection I thought itmight end up a bit of an egg shell and lets face it when a yacht gets a bit of use it will eventually bumpinto the jetty or something else and the slightly heavier fabrics will give a little more protection.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Beginning
The plans are very comprensive and easy to follow. The plans are printed in colour which makes it easier to see where all the different fabric weights go.